Working together to create positive change

As a large retailer, we recognise the opportunity and responsibility to make a difference to care for and respect our planet and the lives we touch.

We know that we can’t address the big sustainable development challenges working alone so we rely on our scale and positive partnerships help us achieve this. We believe by working together and utilising each other’s strengths, we can achieve better outcomes for today and a brighter future for tomorrow. Whether it’s our team, our customers, suppliers, non-government organisations, factory workers, trade unions, or the broader community, we work hand-in-hand with our partners, treating them with dignity and respect to create positive change.

For more information, read about how we identify environmental and human rights risks and opportunities

Important update (April 2023): We have adjusted the scope and timeline of a number of public targets we set in 2019 as a result of delays linked to the pandemic, re-prioritisation linked to new government requirements, and improved understanding of the technical and commercial viability of initiatives. We are on a journey and learning as we go but remain committed to setting bold targets and reporting transparently on our progress. Further details on where we have made changes and the reasons why are covered in the following sections.

Together we work to foster an inclusive and safe culture and ensure that our teams reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate. We are committed to helping our communities thrive and to ensure that all people touched by our business are treated fairly and with respect.

Our commitments:

  • Foster an inclusive culture

  • Help our communities thrive

  • Respect human rights

Together we strive to minimise our environmental footprint and protect our planet for future generations. We are committed to reducing waste, using natural resources responsibly and supporting the transition to a circular economy.

Our commitments:

  • Use natural resources responsibly

  • Reduce waste

  • Support the transition to a circular economy